Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Serene Aguirre

In the twenty-first century there is the need for fashion designers to think outside the square. The University of Technology Sydney is an ideal place to learn this empowering concept. How would you define a creative, you would have to refer to this article based on my interview of Serene Aguirre. In life one should have the freedom of being able to push beyond the artistic boundaries. Designers have to recycle the history of fashion into garments truly worthy of this century. Serene is just one example of this new millennium style designers.

Marjorie: What are your plans for the future?

Serene: I would like to pursue Fashion/Commercial Illustration.

Marjorie: How would you define your concept of design?

Serene: The world is full of problems, and it is up to designers to spot these problems and come up with creative solutions. Design is a creative problem solving.

Marjorie: What did you learn at UTS in relation to your degree?

Serene: UTS exposed me to several facets of the fashion industry that I otherwise would not have known. The fashion degree gives students an insight into several areas of the fashion industry, not just design, so that they are able to choose which direction they would like to take upon graduating. The curriculum also equips students with the skills to be able to pursue these interests.

Marjorie: What inspires you, the past, the present, and the future concepts of fashion, or the reality of the materials, textures, and the colours?

Serene: When it comes to design, images inspire me. By images, I mean art, film and photography. Whether I'm designing a range or a series of illustrations, I like to tell a story. These images will set the mood for what I am designing, ie. what the range or illustration will be about. The textures, fabrics, and the colours soon follow after that.

Marjorie: What is your ideal concept when it comes to designing, the simple, the complex or something that has yet to be defined?

Serene: I think design should be quite simple - by complicating a design. The designer risks creating more problems for the user, which would go against the belief that designers are creative problem solvers.

Marjorie: What is your favourite colour?

Serene: I like blues and greens - more often than not, these colours do end up sneaking their way into my designs.

Marjorie: What is your favourite flower?

Serene: I don't really have a favourite flower. I do like white flowers though. The combination of white (the flowers) and green (the leaves/stems) are always soothing.

Marjorie: What is your favourite season: Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter?

Serene: I enjoy designing for Spring/Summer; the colour palettes are more vibrant and the fabrics are lighter and airy - designs just take on a 'happier' more whimical feel.

'Serene Aguirre' Interview
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